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30 Universities Offering Scholarships with No Application Fees, GRE/GMAT, TOEFL, and Lower CGPA Requirements

Are you dreaming of pursuing higher education but find yourself discouraged by the hefty application fees, standardized test requirements, or minimum GPA thresholds? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 30 universities that not only offer scholarships but also waive application fees, bypass GRE/GMAT scores, and accept lower CGPA. Whether you’re an international student or a domestic applicant, these universities are opening doors to educational opportunities like never before.

  1. Lorcas College
  2. Barclay College
  3. Upper Iowa University
  4. University of Southern Indiana
  5. California State University, Los Angeles
  6. California State University, San Bernardino
  7. California State University, Northridge
  8. California State University, East Bay
  9. Fort Hays State University, Kansas
  10. Delaware State University
  11. Bemidji State University
  12. Southern Illinois University
  13. Norfolk University
  14. Nicholls State University
  15. Bridgewater State University
  16. California State University, Fresno
  17. University of San Francisco
  18. Troy University, Alabama
  19. Illinois State University
  20. North Carolina Central University
  21. Bradley University
  22. University of Massachusetts Boston
  23. Cleveland University, Kansas City
  24. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center – Shreveport
  25. University of Tennessee – Martin
  26. Longwood University
  27. Indiana State University
  28. Liberty University, Virginia
  29. West Texas A&M University
  30. Arkansas State University

Now, let’s delve into what makes these institutions stand out and why you should consider them for your academic journey